FDA Lab Decommissioning Project Phase II, Kensignton, MD
Project Name:
Lab Decommissioning Project Phase II,
Nicholson Lane Research Center, Kensington, MD and
NIH 29 and 29A, Bethesda, MD and
Hazardous Materials Survey of 29A, Bethesda, MD
Period of Performance: 2014-2015
Background Review and Planning – AE assisted in the development of a health and safety plan (HASP) and sampling and analysis plan (SAP) to detail hypotheses, sampling procedures, analytical test methods, limits of detection, relevant regulatory and non-regulatory guidelines for comparison, quality control (including field blank wipe samples) and quality assurance objectives, and reporting requirements for the project.
Hazardous Materials Investigation of Building 29A: AE performed a hazardous materials survey of the 77,000 square foot laboratory for asbestos, lead in paint and shielding, mercury-containing devices, polychlorinated biphenyls (caulk, ballasts and small capacitors), ozone depleting substances, low level radioactive materials (smoke detectors) and visible mold. AE provided all labor and analysis as indicated in the Technical Proposal to the USACE. AE was not responsible for PCB testing of transformers or contaminated concrete or surfaces. AE was responsible for the survey for ASTs/USTs or acid neutralization systems in the building.
Laboratory Introduced Hazardous Materials in Building 29 Complex and NLRC: AE performed sampling and analysis for asbestos and lead in paint on laboratory equipment and furniture. The two laboratories were 188,378 SF in size. We performed testing for mercury vapor, ethidium bromide, reactive compounds in sink traps and fume hoods and contaminants in the vacuum system in accordance with the Technical Proposal to the USACE.
Report: Individual reports of findings featuring a room-by-room assessment were prepared for Building 29A and the NLRC. Work in building 29 and 29B was removed from the scope of work after contract award.